What is obsessive–compulsive disorder?
Obsessive–compulsive disorder causes unpleasant and repetitive patterns of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that force patients to repeat certain behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions significantly disrupt daily functioning and cause considerable suffering to those affected.
Although affected individuals try to ignore or stop the intrusive thoughts, their anxiety only increases. In the end, they still feel compelled to perform compulsive behaviors to alleviate at least some of the stress. Despite attempts to ignore or get rid of unpleasant thoughts and subsequent compulsions, the urge almost always returns. This leads to rituals and the so-called vicious circle of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder often focus on certain topics, such as excessive fear of bacterial contamination. To alleviate fears of contamination, they feel compelled to wash their hands until the pain becomes too intense or skin damage is visible.
What are the causes of obsessive–compulsive disorder?
The cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is still not fully understood. As with other anxiety disorders, the main theories of origin include biological factors (the result of changes in natural body chemistry or brain function), genetic factors (specific genes have yet to be identified), and social factors such as learned behavior (obsession and compulsive behavior can be learned from observing family members or others affected).
Factors that may increase the risk of obsessive-compulsive disorder include family history (if you have parents or other family members with a mental health disorder, the risk of obsessive-compulsive disorder is higher), stressful life events (if you have experienced traumatic or stressful events), or other mental disorders (obsessive-compulsive disorder may be associated with other mental disorders, such as other anxiety disorders, depression, substance abuse or tic disorders).
How can obsessive-compulsive disorder be reduced?
Vo VIRTUO poskytujeme klientom rýchlu úľavu od nepríjemnej úzkosti a nutkania vykonávať rituály, ktoré konzumujú veľa času a energie. Využívame pri tom najefektívnejšie metódy overené vedeckým výskumom a praxou. Poskytovaním informácií o dôležitých procesoch v ľudskom organizme a zapojením inovatívnej technológie virtuálnej reality Vám pomôžeme získať kontrolu nad Vašim strachom už po pár sedeniach.
Dôležitým krokom na Vašej novej ceste k zdraviu je uvedomiť si, že Vaše telesné a psychické reakcie v nepríjemných situáciách sa dejú podľa určitých vzorcov, ktoré je možné zmeniť. Nutkavé kompluzívne správanie je nefunkčný návyk udržujúci Vašu poruchu, ktorý sa v skutočnosti dá úspešne zmeniť. Taktiež Vás naučíme techniky, ktoré Vám pomôžu v nepríjemných situáciách reagovať pokojnejšie. Vo VIRTUO počas konzultácií postupne zistíte, že situácie spôsobujúce úzkosť sú v skutočnosti menej nebezpečné, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá.
Findings from scientific research confirm that the sooner the affected individuals begin treatment, the more likely they are to get rid of this condition permanently.