Dr. rer. nat. Martin Polák
I pursued my studies in psychology, specializing in clinical psychology and psychotherapy, at the universities of Trnava, Munich, Graz, and Vienna. My doctoral research focused on evaluating the effectiveness and implementation of innovative forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy, specifically examining Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) and Internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) in the treatment of panic disorder, social phobia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. As an active member of the European Society for Research on Internet Interventions and the Society for Virtual Reality Therapy, I have had the privilege of presenting my findings at numerous scientific conferences across Europe. Additionally, I gained five years of professional experience working with clients with behavioral and emotional disorders. This experience was acquired within a multidisciplinary team setting in Vienna, where I also served as a team coordinator for two years. My professional journey further includes valuable experiences at the Philip Pinel Psychiatric Hospital in Pezinok and the Veľké Zálužie Psychiatric Hospital in Slovakia. Currently, I work under supervision as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist at the Ambulance of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in Bratislava, while pursuing further psychotherapeutic training in cognitive-behavioral therapy. I am also enrolled in the Clinical Psychology Specialization program at Comenius University in Bratislava.